Suruz Miah's Publications

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Linear Time-Varying Feedback Law for Vehicles with Ackermann Steering

M. Suruz Miah, Peter Farkas, Wail Gueaieb, and Hicham Chaoui. Linear Time-Varying Feedback Law for Vehicles with Ackermann Steering. International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 2015. (Submitted)






	Author = {M.~Suruz Miah and Peter Farkas and Wail Gueaieb and Hicham Chaoui},
title =	 {Linear Time-Varying Feedback Law for Vehicles with Ackermann Steering},
   journal =	 {International Journal of Robotics and Automation},
   year =	 {2015},
   note = {(Submitted)},
   bib2html_pubtype = {Academic Journal},
   bib2html_rescat = {Optimal Control},

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