Timothy C. Lethbridge: Research Interests
Over the years I have conducted research in several areas. These
are outlined below.
You may see my publications page
for details of all the research publications I have written.
My presentations page
shows many of the presentations I have given at conferences and
I have supervised a large number of Masters and PhD students over the years.
Click here to see
of their theses. If you are interested
becoming a
graduate student under my supervision, you should click
My research in reverse chronological order
My ACM Computing Classification areas of research are:
The Community of Science
maintains an additional profile of my
DBLP Lists a subset of my papers.
I have one outstanding patent application entitled Systems, Method and Computer Program Products for Tracking and Viewing Changes to Information Stored in a Data Structure.
Affiliated research
is a list of other researchers conducting software engineering
research in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Ottawa.
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Monday, 31-Jul-2017 14:03:08 EDT
Time this document was displayed or cached:
Tuesday, 21-Jan-2025 09:19:37 EST