(**************************************************************** Copyright © 2007-2024 Amy Felty This file is part of "Two-Level Hybrid in Coq" This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ***************************************************************) (**************************************************************** File: SR_MiniML_meval.v original: July 2007 updated: February 2015 Apr 2024: Current Coq Version: V8.18.0 Subject Reduction for Call-by-Value Mini-ML using Hybrid Version with evaluation judgment defined as an inductive definition (meval). Example from: [1] Amy Felty and Alberto Momigliano, Hybrid: A Definitional Two Level Approach to Reasoning with Higher-Order Abstract Syntax, In Journal of Automated Reasoning, 48(1):43-105, 2012. ***************************************************************) From HybridSys Require Export sl. From HybridSys Require Export MiniML. (**************************************************************** **************************************************************** Evaluation judgment defined as an inductive definition (meval), and associated properties as described in Section 3.3 of [1]. **************************************************************** ****************************************************************) (**************************************************************** Evaluation ****************************************************************) Section meval. Inductive meval: uexp -> uexp -> Prop := meval_App: forall E1':uexp -> uexp, forall E1 E2 V V2:uexp, abstr E1' -> meval E1 (Fun (fun x => E1' x)) -> meval E2 V2 -> meval (E1' V2) V -> meval (App E1 E2) V | meval_Fun: forall E:uexp -> uexp, abstr E -> isterm1 nil (Fun (fun x => E x)) -> meval (Fun (fun x => E x)) (Fun (fun x => E x)) | meval_Fix: forall E:uexp -> uexp, forall V:uexp, abstr E -> isterm1 nil (Fix (fun x => E x)) -> meval (E (Fix (fun x => E x))) V -> meval (Fix (fun x => E x)) V. End meval. (**************************************************************** Adequacy: proper conditions ****************************************************************) Section m_proper_adeq. Lemma meval_proper_l : forall E V:uexp, meval E V -> proper E. Proof. intros E V; induction 1. - apply proper_App; auto. - apply proper_Fun; auto. - apply proper_Fix; auto. Qed. Lemma meval_proper_r : forall E V:uexp, meval E V -> proper V. intros E V; induction 1; auto. apply proper_Fun; auto. Qed. (* MC-Lemma 14 (1) from [1] *) Lemma meval_proper : forall E V:uexp, meval E V -> (proper E /\ proper V). Proof. intros E V h1; split. - apply meval_proper_l with V; auto. - apply meval_proper_r with E; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve term1_var term1_app term1_lam term1_fix : hybrid. (* MC-Lemma 14 (2) from [1] *) Lemma meval_isterm_ctx : forall (M N:uexp), meval M N -> (isterm1 nil M /\ isterm1 nil N). Proof. intros M N; induction 1; try tauto. split; try tauto. apply term1_app; tauto. Qed. (* MC-Lemma 13 from [1] *) Lemma eval_unique: forall E F:uexp, (meval E F) -> forall G:uexp, (meval E G) -> F=G. Proof. intros E F; induction 1. (* App case *) - intros G H2'. inversion H2'; subst. generalize (IHmeval1 (Fun (fun x : uexp => E1'0 x)) H6); intro H9'. specialize abstr_eta with (1:=H); intro H10'. specialize abstr_eta with (1:=H5); intro H11'. generalize (Fun_inj (fun x => E1' x) (fun x => E1'0 x) H10' H11' H9'); intro H12'. unfold ext_eq in H12'. generalize (IHmeval2 V1 H7); intro H7'; subst. rewrite <- H12' in H9. + apply IHmeval3; auto. + apply meval_proper_r with E2; auto. (* Fun case *) - intros G h0. inversion h0; auto. unfold Fun,lambda. rewrite H1; auto. (* Fix case *) - intros G H1'. inversion H1'; auto. specialize abstr_eta with (1:=H); intro H6'. specialize abstr_eta with (1:=H3); intro H7'. generalize (abstr_lbind_simp H7' H6' H2); intro H8. unfold ext_eq in H8. apply IHmeval; auto. rewrite <- H8; auto. + unfold Fix,lambda. unfold Fix,lambda in H0. rewrite <- H2; auto. + apply proper_Fix; auto. Qed. End m_proper_adeq. (**************************************************************** **************************************************************** The two-level encoding of isterm, eval, and hastype judgments as in Figure 6 in [1]. **************************************************************** ****************************************************************) (**************************************************************** The atm type and instantiation of oo. ****************************************************************) Section encoding. Inductive atm : Set := typeof : uexp -> tp -> atm | isterm : uexp -> atm. Definition oo_ := oo atm Econ. Definition atom_ : atm -> oo_ := atom Econ. Definition T_ : oo_ := T atm Econ. Hint Unfold oo_ atom_ T_: hybrid. (**************************************************************** Definition of prog ****************************************************************) Inductive prog : atm -> oo_ -> Prop := | tabs : forall (T1 T2: tp) (E : uexp -> uexp), abstr E -> prog (typeof (Fun (fun x => E x)) (arrow T1 T2)) (All (fun x : uexp => Imp (typeof x T1) (atom_ (typeof (E x) T2)))) | tap : forall E1 E2: uexp, forall T T' : tp, prog (typeof (App E1 E2) T) (Conj (atom_ (typeof E1 (arrow T' T))) (atom_ (typeof E2 T'))) | tfix : forall (T: tp) (E : uexp -> uexp), abstr E -> prog (typeof (Fix (fun x => E x)) T) (All (fun x : uexp => Imp (typeof x T) (atom_ (typeof (E x) T)))) | exp_app : forall M N:uexp, prog (isterm (App M N)) (Conj (atom_ (isterm M)) (atom_ (isterm N))) | exp_lam : forall (E:uexp -> uexp), abstr E -> prog (isterm (Fun (fun x => (E x)))) (All (fun x:uexp => (Imp (isterm x) (atom_ (isterm (E x)))))) | exp_fix : forall (E:uexp -> uexp), abstr E -> prog (isterm (Fix (fun x => (E x)))) (All (fun x:uexp => (Imp (isterm x) (atom_ (isterm (E x)))))). (**************************************************************** Instantiation of seq ****************************************************************) Definition seq_ : nat -> list atm -> oo_ -> Prop := sl.seq prog. Definition seq'_ := seq' prog. Definition seq0 (B : oo_) : Prop := seq'_ nil B. End encoding. #[global] Hint Unfold oo_ atom_ T_: hybrid. #[global] Hint Unfold seq_ seq'_ seq0: hybrid. #[global] Hint Unfold proper: hybrid. #[global] Hint Resolve proper_Var : hybrid. #[global] Hint Resolve tabs tap tfix exp_app exp_lam exp_fix : hybrid. (************************) (* Inversion Properties *) (************************) (* Specialized inversion properties of prog (could be automated) *) Section prog_inv. Lemma typeof_abs_inv : forall (i:nat) (l:list atm) (T T':tp) (E:uexp->uexp), (forall x : uexp, proper x -> seq_ i l (Imp (typeof x T) (atom_ (typeof (E x) T')))) -> exists j:nat, (i=j+1 /\ forall x : uexp, proper x -> seq_ j ((typeof x T)::l) (atom_ (typeof (E x) T'))). Proof. induction i; auto. - intros l T T' E H. generalize (H (Var 0) (proper_Var 0)); intro H1. inversion H1; clear H1; subst. replace (i+1) with (S i) in H0; try lia. - intros l T T' E H. clear IHi. exists i; split; try lia. intros x H0. generalize (H x H0); intro H1. inversion H1; clear H1; subst. assert (i0 = i); try lia. subst; auto. Qed. End prog_inv. (**************************************************************** **************************************************************** Version of subject reduction with eval judgments defined as an inductive type (meval) as described in Section 4.4 of [1]. **************************************************************** ****************************************************************) Section meta_sr. (* MC-Theorem 26 from [1] *) Theorem meta_subject_reduction : forall e v : uexp, (meval e v) -> forall t : tp, seq0 (atom_ (typeof e t)) -> seq0 (atom_ (typeof v t)). intros e v; induction 1. (* App case *) - intros t H3. unfold seq0 in H3; elim H3; clear H3; intros j H3. inversion H3; clear H3; subst. inversion H5; clear H5; subst. inversion H8; clear H8; subst. assert (seq0 (atom_ (typeof E1 (arrow T' t)))). + unfold seq0,seq_; exists i0; auto. + assert (seq0 (atom_ (typeof E2 T'))). { unfold seq0,seq_; exists i0; auto. } clear H7 H9. generalize (IHmeval2 T' H4); intro H4'. generalize (IHmeval1 (arrow T' t) H3); intro H8. unfold seq0 in H8; elim H8; clear H8; intros j H8. inversion H8; clear H8; subst. inversion H6; clear H6; subst. inversion H10; clear H10; subst. generalize (typeof_abs_inv i1 nil T' t E H9); intro H10. elim H10; clear H10; intros j [Heq H10]. subst. clear H9. generalize (H10 V2 (meval_proper_r E2 V2 H1)); clear H10; intro H10. generalize (abstr_eta H); intro H15'. generalize (abstr_eta H11); intro H5'. generalize (abstr_lbind_simp H5' H15' H5); intro H12. unfold ext_eq in H12. rewrite H12 in H10; auto. * clear H12 H5' H5 H11 E. apply IHmeval3; auto. unfold seq0, seq_. apply seq_cut with (typeof V2 T'); auto. unfold seq'. exists j; auto. * apply meval_proper_r with E2; auto. (* Fun case *) - auto. (* Fix case *) - intros t h1. elim h1; intros j H1'. inversion H1'; clear H1'; subst. inversion H3; clear H3; subst. inversion H6; clear H6; subst. generalize (typeof_abs_inv i0 nil t t E0 H8); clear H8; intro H9. elim H9; clear H9; intros j [Heq H9]; subst. generalize (H9 (Fix (fun x : uexp => E x))); clear H9; intro H9. generalize (abstr_eta H); intro H5'. generalize (abstr_eta H7); intro H8'. generalize (abstr_lbind_simp H8' H5' H2); intro H1'. unfold ext_eq in H1'. rewrite -> H1' in H9. + clear H1' H8' H2 H7 E0. generalize (abstr_proper_Fix (fun x => E x) H5'); intro H0'. generalize (H9 H0'); clear H9; intro H9. apply IHmeval; auto. unfold seq0, seq_. apply seq_cut with (typeof (Fix (fun x : uexp => E x)) t); auto. unfold seq'. exists j; auto. + apply proper_Fix; auto. Qed. End meta_sr.