Lab Grading Scheme Prelab - 30 marks 10 Marks Attending the lab - 10 marks if you show up, 0 if you do not - Steps 1-4 below must be shown to the TA at BEGINNING of lab 5 Marks Step 1: Problem Identification and Definition 5 Marks Step 2: Gathering of Information and I/O Description 5 Marks Step 3: Algorithm Development and Verification 5 Marks Step 4: Pseudo code - For each step, up to 2 marks can be deducted for incorrectness/incompleteness, - For each step, up to 2 marks can be deducted for lack of neatness/quality in writing Running and Explaining Demo - 40 marks 10 marks The program builds and runs correctly for each test case 10 Marks Explanation/Understanding of how test cases adequately verify correctness 10 Marks Explanation/Understanding of program steps, including declarations, formats, logic 10 Marks Explanation/understanding of equation implementation - partial marks at discretion of TA Lab Report - 30 marks 10 Marks Submitting code + screen shots on time on virtual campus in a single .pdf or .doc 10 Marks Coding style including formatting, spacing, variable names, comments 10 Marks Test Cases